SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1/ on 08-04-2017

Vanara Gita 01: Introduction

From today we are going to speak about Vānara Gita. However much a person may sing the praises of Lord Hanuman, the hero of Vanaras, it is always insufficient and inadequate.

By Puttuadmin1/ on 11-04-2017

Bhaja Govindam 01: Introduction

Śri Ganeśāya namaḥ Śri saraswatye namaḥ Śri Pādavallabha Nṛsimha Saraswati Śri Guru Dattatreyaya namaḥ.

By Puttuadmin1/ on 11-04-2017

Bhaja Govindam 02: verse 1

Bhaja govindaṃ bhaja govindaṃ govindaṃ bhaja mūḍhamate | Samprāpte sannihite kāle nahi nahi rakṣati ḍukrinkaraṇe || 1 O foolish, ignorant person(mūdha)!

By Puttuadmin1/ on 08-04-2017

Vanara Gita 03: Dhyana shloka

To the hymn Vānara Gita, Agastya Maharishi is the Rishi, the meter (chandas) is Jagati; Hanuman is the presiding deity; ‘Maarutātmaja’ is the seed letter (beejam); ‘anjanā sūnuhu’ is the shakti (energy); ‘vāyu putraḥ’ is the kīlakam.

By Puttuadmin1/ on 08-04-2017

Vanara Gita 04: Dhyāna shloka 2

Yet another dhyana shloka of Hanuman is- Sanjīva parvotōddhāra mano duḥkhaṃnivarayaPraseeda sumahabahūtrāyasva harisattama.