SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 03 Jul 2019
What is meant by Self-realization?

Do you know the meaning of Self? Do you know where it exists? Do you know how it appears? From where did it emerge? Who caused it to emerge? If Self is different from you, then who are you? What is your connection with the Self? How did you emerge? Did you emerge from the Self or did you have a separate origin? If you are the Self, then how can you realize it? If Self is separate from you, who are you?

If you tell me who you are, I will explain to you about the Self. I do not want your name and address pertaining to this birth, I want you to tell me per the philosophical language, who you are. You cannot answer this question about your origin, can you? You will say ‘I am myself.’ Here it implies, ‘I am the Self (atma)’.

Therefore, Self-realization means knowing yourself. Understanding yourself. Knowing who you are and then rejoicing in your Self’s bliss i.e. your own bliss. Experiencing your Self’s bliss is Self-realization.

It is a vibration; an illumination. The illumination is not external, it arises from within you. It will be visible only to you. It is similar to cooking a meal with your own effort and consuming it totally yourself. There is no other participant in this process. You are the doer, the sustainer and the destroyer. You are also the one getting liberated. There are no two entities. You alone are the Self. Experientially understanding this truth is Self-realization.

Try to understand yourself. Go inwards. Figure out your original address. You will understand from within that you are the Self. I cannot explain this subject beyond this.

(Q&A, DKY class, 4 Mar 2016)
