SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 03 Jul 2019
Wakeful and dream stages are known to all. Could you please explain about Shushupti and Tureeya?

The same energy has been divided into 4. Like big laddu and small laddu (sweet). Laddu is the same irrespective of whether it is big or small, it also tastes the same. The only difference is in the size. Likewise the same energy has been divided into four; each of them appear differently to us, that’s all. It is akin to saying that we know the taste of the smaller laddu but not of the bigger laddu.

Water can be classified as hot water, cold water, warm water and lukewarm water. When cold water is heated up, it becomes lukewarm. Heat it a little longer it will become hot. Apply more heat, a few drops convert into vapour. But water remains the same in form and appearance.

In Lalita Sahasranama it is said chitshakti chetanarupa jada shaktir jadātmika. This is exactly the question put forth.

There is only one energy. There is one Goddess but She manifests as many.

The subject of Turiya avastha cannot be elaborated in detail. It is a secretive subject specially pertaining only to Avadhoota state. It is beyond explanation. It can be outlined, but even if details are given, it remains only theoretical for you. It is a state that one can only experience.

(Q&A, DKY class, 4 Mar 2016)
