SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 03 Jul 2019
The peace I experience in Swamiji's presence I do not experience in my own home. Why?

A few minutes back, I had explained the greatness of Bhaja Govindam. Yogaratova, bhogaratova… means whatever may be the task on hand and whatever may be the stage you are going through, you should place your mind in pure bliss alone!

The moment you return home your mind runs back to the routine chores. It mingles completely with that world. How can I help you then? Even if you hold a green chili in your hand, you should not experience that burn. Your mind should be here and in that mental state you should derive bliss.

Living in that state of bliss, you must accept your worldly challenges as pertaining only to the physical body and which have to be routinely gone through. ‘Being a part of this world, I necessarily need to interact with these people; I need to cook; I need to complete these chores as it is part of this worldly life’- with this attitude, go on completing your tasks while keeping your mind focused completely upon me. Then you will be eternally happy. Practice this.

As of now as soon as you return home, you cling to the happenings there. When you come here you cling to these practices here. It is incorrect, isn’t it? Even when you are there keep your mind fixed here. Do not say that it is not feasible, then no one can help you. Even I cannot then bless you. You have to work towards it. You are a spiritual practitioner. You have to practise.

(Someone invites Swamiji home)… Do not invite me to your home. Invite me into your mind. I have visited your home. I exist in the form of the vessel. In the form of your son-in-law I came. I was like the green chili you used. Why can’t you see me in all objects? Go through the life’s bitter lessons easily. Treat them like a drama in which you are enacting your role. Consider that your Guru has come to you in the form of problems. Your problems will stop troubling you. Not getting entangled in problems itself means merging into me.

(Q&A, DKY class, 4 Mar 2016)
