SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 03 Jul 2019
Is there a connection between food and yoga? How many times can a Kriya yoga student eat?

Only pure (sattvik) food should be taken. Absolutely no meat, no eggs and limited fatty foods. No tamasic food of any kind. This is the first step. Consume miniscule quantities of each of the six tastes in moderation.

Eating too much affects the body and increases the influence of the six inner demons (desire, anger etc.) upon us. Hence moderation in food is very crucial. Even sattvik food when taken in excess is equal to tamasic diet. Stomach should be filled only till half. Then it helps in Pranayama. Eating too much leads to sickness such that we become dependent on others.

Always seek painless death (anāyasa marana), without taking help from others. That is real yoga. How wonderful it will be if we can leave the body with total consciousness (pragnya). Meeting death when chanting divine names is supreme. Seek that. Remember that you have to leave behind all name, fame, wealth earned in this world.

Our lifespan reduces due to the many mistakes we commit after taking the human body. In order to lead a long life it is imperative to adhere to correct habits.

In addition to eating pure sattvik food, speech should be soft. Do not criticize others; no hurting feelings of others; always speak lovingly to everyone. Even when pointing their mistakes, speak to them lovingly.

Eating pure food is of no use if intellect and sense organs are not in the right path. Therefore tune them to walk on the right path.

Avoid onions. If you are served food with onions, remove them and eat remaining food. Or eat a fruit and fill stomach when food with onions is served.

Eat without seeking to relish the taste. The tongue should not know whether there is salt or not in the dish. The intellect should be trained to eat without relishing the taste. Swamiji does not realize whether or not there is salt, sugar, spice, in his food. This is because of the firm training given to the intellect.

(Q&A Session, DKY class, 4 March 2016
