SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 03 Jul 2019
Can a Kriya yoga student discontinue from Pranayama practices due to diseases?

The question of stopping Kriya yoga due to diseases should not even arise in the first place. This is because Pranayama is nothing but breath. Can anyone stop breathing? How can anyone get such doubt?

There is absolutely no connection between disease and Pranayama practices. They can be continued.

Diseases strike when your food habits are faulty, when you lack discipline and when you live per your whims and fancies. In such situations, diseases attack irrespective of whether you practice Kriya yoga or not. It has nothing to with practice of Kriya Yoga.

However it is their personal decision whether to continue or not. It is their commitment to their spiritual practices. It is a commitment to their Self. I will never advice that it should be stopped.

Kriya Yoga is a tool that enables us to achieve single-focused concentration so that we rise up to the levels of obtaining the vision of the Almighty. It is a tool to destroy all illnesses but it can never create any illness. Perhaps it could be possible that some hidden diseases are coming to the fore-front due to practice of Kriya yoga.

(Q&A, DKY class, 4 Mar 2016)
