SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Can you specify your technique for cure through music?

With Lord Datta’s grace, I keep getting reports that many people who listened to this music have been cured of major diseases. The five basic elements are themselves the Gods. I make a very strong sankalpa (intent) that the diseases should be cured. This works. This is not some mere imagination. This is the knowledge that takes the mind to those great heights. It will be incorrect if you try to figure out or insist on some logical explanation for this.

What we need is to cure the disease, to obtain mental peace and to enjoy true contentment. In other words, pure and good music purifies you totally. It takes you to the greatest depths of your heart. If there is anyone who argues that there is no logical stand to all this explanation of mine, then it reflects their own ego.

Ragas such as Hamsanandi, Bhairavi, Kalyani, Vaasanti, Kosala, Hanumatodi, Hamsadhwani, Keeravani, Megharanjani and others are tremendously powerful. They are the purest sounds of Prakriti (Nature).

What does Nature (Prakriti )mean? The Self (atma) which resides within the individual being as well as the Supreme Being (Paramatma) is itself Prakriti. The Self is itself the Prakriti. In the hands of a capable and efficient person, the ragas develop the capacity to shower strength, beauty, and sharp intellect on both the musician as well as on the audience.

(Bhaktimala 1991)
