SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
How have the ordinary persons as well as the great musicians reacted to your music?

The respect is greatly increasing. The first Indian concert for this music for meditation and healing was conducted at Madras (Chennai). Madras is the focal point for Indian classical music. All great musicians attended this concert and enjoyed it. Well known musicians and exponents such as Semmamgudi, Rajkumar Bharati, Subramaniam and others praised it profusely. Not just this. The reaction was similar during my concerts at Vijayawada, Guntur and many other places.

Today we are having this concert at Hyderabad. As their Sadguru, the people have a certain degree of love towards me. They have faith in Lord Dattatreya. To them my music is an extremely valued treasure. Why should I chase musical degrees and certificates when the people are already appreciative of this music? They sit patiently like statues and wait for hours to listen to my music. Why should I refuse their request? A musical connection is strengthening between them and me.

I stress repeatedly on the necessity of ekagrata (single-pointed concentration) while listening to music. This single-pointed concentration is extremely necessary for a doctor administering the treatment. It is essential even for the listener.

Frankly, even listening is an art. To listen attentively, a control over the senses (indriya nigraha) is very important. While listening to my music, vibrations are generated in the head. When concentration is placed on the raga for a prolonged period, the disease is easily rooted out. This music also influences the nerves as well as the granthis (astral nerve joints) within the body.

During the concert I pass on both my strong intent as well as my powers into the ragas (notes). I ask the accompanying musicians to follow me very closely. The audience listen for hours at a stretch and find that their diseases are getting cured. Some have got relief from urinary disorders, excessive blood pressure , cancer and many such diseases. You would perhaps have noticed that during the concert I move about among the audience. I look at the diseased persons. As soon as I look at them, a mental bond is formed between that person and me. This happens through music.

(Bhaktimala 1991)
