SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Why does Swamiji use music to heal?

When one has a stomach ache, he does not care about which doctor, which medicine, which guru, or which mantra. All he wants is to heal quickly. That is how he feels. There is nothing wrong in that.

Swamiji uses his soothing music to give as a solace. It is a supplement to be taken in addition to regular medical treatment. That is what he tells people. He never said that with this Kalyani raga, the stomach ache will disappear. Don’t think that I discovered this Nada. This is the ancient Raga Ragini Vidya (a celestial science of music healing). That is what I practice. What is wrong with that?

The scriptures contain many stories as well as recent studies where good harvest resulted from good music, or that all the cows yielded more milk because of music, or that the flowers blossomed better with music, or that with the Deepaka raga lamps were lit. These are all not cock and bull stories. These are true stories. They are not stories. They are facts. To this day scientists are experiencing these results and are continuing with their experiments.

Swamiji also says that appreciating is not sufficient, you must participate and experience. Nada is necessary for everyone. It does not belong to any religion. Nada speeds up the recovery through developing better concentration. It promotes the healing properties in the medicines that are being consumed to speed up recovery. This viewpoint must be firmly registered in your minds.

(Q&A, USA, 29 Jul 2011)
