SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
What is Veda?

How can I answer this question in a word, in a second, or in a few minutes even? Veda is the combined treasure house of everything that has been expressed in any language, consisting of all forms of knowledge- be it worldly, spiritual, or be it knowledge of law or sciences! Every culture that is being practiced today has its origins in the Veda.

There is research being conducted to find out what is contained in the Vedas. Germans have discovered the science hidden in the Vedas. In the recent past, considering the Vedas to be worthless, our ancestors threw away the palm leaf scriptures. The Germans took those scriptures, translated them, and have discovered their immense scientific worth. We all have to understand and remember the value of our heritage.

(Q&A, USA, 29 Jul 2011)
