SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Is there any exemption for the aged persons, whose health does not co-operate, from performing death ceremonies for their parents?

What is the principle behind observing the death anniversary of your departed?

If the person who has to perform is old and frail, it does not prevent him from his daily activities of eating and sleeping isn’t it? He is breathing and is alive. It is enough if he thinks of his departed ancestor on that day and offers food to his ancestors as a mental act. He could pray to his photograph and get food distributed in their name to schools, orphanages and to the poor. A sick old man cannot be forced to do rituals. If he is bedridden, unable to move and can’t perform the rituals, do it in a simpler form by giving to charity, by feeding the poor or orphans.

However as long as the person is healthy and fit to perform the ritual, he has to continue it. The idea is to remember the departed elders with total gratitude and with a good heart. We must ritually remember them on their anniversary. The ritual is not an end it itself but is the process to keep their memory fresh in your minds and think of them with gratitude.

If you have darshan of Dattatreya, ancestors are pleased. He is specially associated with ancestor worship.

(Q&A Sessions 3 Jan 2016)
