SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Do annual ceremonies performed for the dead reach him/her since he anyways will take a rebirth?

By accepting the theory of rebirth, you are acknowledging your belief in Scriptures. The same Scriptures have ordained the performance of death ceremonies. Why then do you doubt?

Now the question is ‘why do Scriptures ordain us to perform these rituals?’ Assume that your friend finds a good job for you. You express your happiness by distributing sweets to him. More importantly, you develop a sense of indebtedness towards your friend for having got you a job.

If you feel indebted for such a small favour, then how much more indebted you should feel towards your parents who gave you this body? It is to display your indebtedness that you should perform the annual rites in their memory. You are expressing your gratitude to them through this deed.

‘Do the dead eat?’ – is not a relavant question. ‘Are they in heaven or hell’ – it is immaterial to you. ‘Have they taken one more birth already?’- it is none of our business. What is important is that we are grateful to them wherever and however they are. It is to cherish the fond memories and to display our gratitude that we should perform their annual rites.

(Bhaktimala Oct 1997)
