SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 03 Jul 2019
Why do people seek fulfillment of their selfish desires without bothering about Swamiji when He is sick? I feel very upset whenever you are sick.

If you consider me as an ordinary person, then your question is correct. But I am fire. When a person approaches me with a problem, I transfer that problem to myself. I suffer the consequence. I take on their difficulty and burn it. So I have to undergo this suffering.

You have no medicine for me, but I have medicine for you. The only medicine you can give me is your devotion and love. Yesterday I was not well enough to conduct a bhajan session. Nevertheless, due to the love and devotion of the devotees seated here, I came down and sang for them.

People who stay here were upset that Swamiji was unwell. However the devotion of the people attracted him and He was able to sing so well that new devotees failed to believe he was unwell. This proves that your devotion helps in my recovery. That is the medicine for me.

If the cough is mine, I can give it to somebody. But this is someone else’s cough. I cannot give it to you! That’s why I’m telling you I’m not your ordinary friend. This is a different kind of Janma (birth) and you cannot understand this. Why does Sri Swamiji take on this suffering?? It is my job! I have to be busy.

I’m like Fire. Nevertheless, for taking this body I have to suffer. Fire too takes a lot of effort before it reduces your offering to ashes. If a corpse is thrown into fire, the skull bursts with a lot of noise and thereafter the fire reduces the corpse to ashes. Can you help the fire in anyway? Likewise, to burn all the vasanas (subtle impressions of past actions) and karma of the devotees which I take on, a lot of effort is needed. That’s all.

(Q&A Session 27 March 2017)
