SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 03 Jul 2019
Is it right to use Swamiji as a 'Solution box' for all problems. Should we not face our own destiny?

If everyone thinks that he/she will only face all problems no matter what happens in life, then no one will come to me (Swamiji smiles jocularly)!

If you had such dispassion in the initial days, even you would not come to me in the first place, is it not? Only because you used me as a Solution Box in the beginning, you have come here.

Similarly, everyone comes expecting solutions for their problems, but eventually they get trained here to believe and to accept that karma has to be experienced. They develop the courage and strength needed for facing life’s problems. This is the Solution you are getting from Swamiji. Prior approaching Swamiji you did not have this courage, which is why you came to me looking for help. You have come to me because you had faith in me and wished to follow my words trusting that to be good for you. It is not temporary faith. You have come with true faith.

When new devotees come to me, I do not give instant answers or solutions. I ask them to come for puja, come again the next day. They keep coming back expecting an answer. I asked them to come back to later. It is like asking the train conductor for a ticket, without mentioning the destination and without giving your details. After a couple of days, they realize that they have already got the solution to their problem. They also realize that they are experiencing mental peace and calmness from the time they started coming here. When I then ask about their problem a couple of days later, they reply that the problem no longer bothers them. This is getting the Solution! It implies getting the courage to face the problem!

I use you the way you use me. If you go to a pediatrician complaining of some ailment, he will not scold you or turn you away rudely. He will suggest what he knows best and once you place your faith in him, he will explain that you should consult a physician as he is a child specialist only and will not be able to treat you any further. Similarly Swamiji directs you to worship a certain deity for your benefit. I will not force you to take any course. You will have to come to me as a Solution Box, but you will eventually transform and take me as your Guru. Once you accept me as your Guru, then you believe that Swamiji wishes well for you. You will surrender to Him. In turn He does not misguide you. He treats you and moulds you to become a disciple.

Of course, there are a few people who do come to me only seeking fulfillment of their desires. I know very well who comes looking for solutions, and who comes with implicit faith. The one who will stay, is the one who will get the real solution and will become close to me. Temporary visitors get temporary Prasadam and I send them off saying may God bless you. Chant Hanuman Chalisa. I treat them like guests.

I am not bound to give you security. I appear to you just the way you treat me. If you look at me as a Solution Box, I will only be a Solution Box. If you take me as a Guru, your Tataji, your Appaji, for life, with absolute faith, I will be your Guru for life.

(Q&A Session, 14 Aug 2016)
