SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 03 Jul 2019
How to increase connection with Sadguru? How can I receive messages from Him in my heart?

How many times have you come here? Devotee says three times. Who asked you to come? Devotee says, 2nd time he came on his own, first time a friend of his got him here.

Why did you come? Devotee says, “I wanted to meet Sri Swamiji.”

That is the development of your connection with Swamiji. When you think more of Swamiji, and you pray more to Him, and think of Him even amidst daily activities, sing Bhajans, include Him in all your activities, then you progress internally. That is your connection!

Then you will get messages from Him. Message is an indication that He is with you. That’s all! It is always better to clarify the message received. When you get an opportunity to talk to Swamiji physically, then you must get clarification from Him on the inner messages you sensed, or received in your prayers, or what you imagined to be a message. Then I will tell you which is correct, which is not.

Since I’m physically present you should ask; if I’m not physically present, then you cannot do anything about it.

(Q&A Session 5th June 2016)
