SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Why do big problems look small when we are in Swamiji’s presence? How does He silently answer our questions and solve our problems? Why do we feel scared to speak to Him directly? My problems get resolved even without speaking to Him. How?

Yes. Many have this experience. Many who approach Swamiji to tell Him of their problems, suddenly do not feel like speaking about it in His direct presence. It is just some vibration. ‘It is such a trivial matter. Why trouble Swamiji with this question?’ they suddenly feel. Nevertheless, they get the answer to their question even without asking Him.

These are devotees who have absorbed the energy. With just Swamiji’s darshana and sparshana they get the energy due to which their difficulties are driven away automatically. Through some discourse or through some other person their doubts are clarified. But directly they are unable to ask Him as their inner conscious does not permit.

Devotees consider Swamiji as Paramatma. If so, where does Paramatma live? He is all pervading, isn’t it? He pervades our mind too. Therefore He is aware of our every joy as well as sorrow, our every doubt. Those who believe that He does not know our inner feelings are those who consider Swamiji as a mere human being who gives mantra, raksha, yantra etc.

However when you treat Him as Paramatma you understand His all-pervasiveness. Every mind is the home of the Supreme Lord. Swamiji resides within every body and as such knows every thought in every mind. This being the case, where is the need to specifically tell Him your problems, I don’t understand.

There are times when Swamiji himself asks, ‘What is happening, my son? How are you? Is everything ok?’ At such times do not show your intelligence and say- Swamiji you know everything. When you are asked, you have to give the complete answer.

At other times when you go to inform Swamiji of some issues, He says- “I know everything. Why then do you want to tell me?” There is no better blessing (anugraha) than this for the devotee. When he says he knows, what more is needed? He himself will give the solution for the problem. Or perhaps he may not give the solution but instead will give the strength to handle the situation. He will make you forget the question, the problem or the pain.

The devotee remembers the question when he is standing in the queue to meet Swamiji but forgets the same when he is in His direct presence. Swamiji makes him forget the question. At other times He gives scope for the question by asking- ‘how are you?’ At that time if you say-‘With your grace I am fine’, He will ask you to move further and will not stop the queue. Remember He had given the opportunity for you to narrate your problem and you failed to utilize the same. At that time fear and hesitation should not rule your mind. Grab the opportunity.

Understand that Swamiji knows your true inner doubts and questions. When you feel hesitant to put forth your problems to Him, it is proof that he knows it. It is not hesitancy from your part, it is the realization that He knows it all. Shortly thereafter the problem gets resolved on its own. Without you having to ask him directly, the question gets resolved.

When you go to Tirupati, do you stand in front of Lord Govinda and inform Him of all your problems? Even before you can see Him to your heart’s content, the crowd pushes you closer to the exit door. How then are your problems getting resolved? The same way when you believe Swamiji as Paramatma, your doubts get solved even without speaking to Him.

When feelings ‘Swamiji knows everything. why should I trouble Him with my trivial problems,’ arise in your mind, it is the beginning of Guru bhakti in you. This is the faith you have in Him. When you increase your devotion still further, Swamiji will speak in your mind. To that extent it will go. Just as He speaks from photo or speaks in your dreams, He will begin to speak in your mind. You will intuitively know that He has spoken to you. Just take this bhakti forward.

(Q&A Bangalore 11 Nov 2015)
