SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Why do your devotees address you as Brahma? Brahma is invisible but you are visible.

I am Brahma and yet at the same time I am a human being. I do have the needs like food etc. similar to a human being. But how is it that you know the exact characteristics of Brahma? To be very frank, at your level of human intelligence, I appear only as a human being. But to the antaryami, the antar atma (the inner soul) that is situated deep within you, I appear as Brahma.

If I were an ordinary human being like all of you, how would I know about Brahma? It is only due to sheer ignorance that people consider a Guru as a mere human being. The moment such ignorance is wiped out, He appears as Brahma. When the devotee get the siddhi (accomplishments) the Guru appears like Buddha to him. This can be accomplished only in a Guru’s sannidhi (temple). All these pujas, vratas, tapas are all the means to acquire that blessing. To acquire that Brahmananda (bliss of Brahma), Guru too had to adopt this similar procedure. To reach the top everyone needs a ladder.

(Q&A Glimpses of Bhaktimala)
