SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Swamiji accepts gifts from some while refusing from others. Why?

When someone makes an offering, I look into his/her mind. I see his family, his ancestors and the source of the money. Is the offering with devotion or without devotion? Or is it supposed to be business deal? Like a TV screen, all these details flash in my mind’s eye. For this reason, when some make offerings I accept them for my Srichakra puja etc., whereas when some others make donations or give gifts, I politely refuse saying ‘please keep with you. I will take later’.

This applies not only to gold and other costly offerings, but also for ordinary sarees. There are many from whom I refuse to accept sarees. The devotees at times weep saying, ‘Swamiji, we have not bought the sarees with sinful money. They are purchased with money earned dharmically (righteously)’. Thereafter I would accept them.

‘Aparigraha’(non-acceptance of gifts) is a very significant dharma in our Scriptures. If Swamiji accepts your offering, it means your birth has attained fructification. You are truly lucky. Swamiji does not accept offerings because he lacks something. It is out of love for the devotee that I accept. More importantly, it is to convert you into gold (purify you) that I accept.
