SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 03 Jul 2019
During any festival, Swamiji radiates the energy of that deity. During Navaratri, He appears like Goddess and during Shivaratri like Shiva. How do we understand this?

To qualify to be a teacher, one has to complete the B.Ed degree. To qualify as a lecturer, it is required to obtain the M.Ed degree or a Ph.D. Only when they have this qualification, they will be able to teach students at their respective levels.

Have you seen the photo of Vishwaroopa (Universal form of the Lord) ? Do you believe in it? Do you believe that Hanuman has 5 faces and that Lord Datta has 3 faces? (Yes, the person says). Why do you believe? What caused this belief? It was only because Swamiji has told you.

Even when a lecturer who has mastered the subject has to go to a class to teach, he spends some time preparing for the day’s lesson. Similarly, I perform Pujas to teach you that if you also follow these practices, you will be able to reach my state, and experience it. Just because I have already experienced the Vishwaroopa (Universal form), it does not mean I do not have to practice it any longer.

Vishwaroopa (Universal form) encompasses all forms of Gods. In the same way, your Swamiji becomes Shiva in Shivaratri, in Navaratri, He comes Devi. To destroy the demons, if I go to them in a pleasant form and gently say ‘Om Namah Shivaya, O dear demon, come here and sit’- it will not help! It is of no use. I have to trash the demon using ferocious form!

But if I take on a fierce form to go to a simple devotee, who is filled with goodness (sattva), He will be frightened and die of a heart attack! I have to go to him in a gentle form. This is Vishwaroopa of the Guru. It is His technique, His knowledge!

You have to learn and develop with each experience. Even after seeing this puja for so many years, if you say you are not able to understand a thing, then its wasted effort! You will have to take many more births to elevate yourself. You may have to be born in so many other worlds, get different Gurus. One has to keep learning always. This is Sadhana. This Sadhana is penance, and this penance is the ultimate liberation! This is bliss.

(Q&A Session 5th June 2016)
