SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 03 Jul 2019
Can you please describe to us the bliss you experienced as a small child when Jayalakshmi mata blessed you with the darshan of Divine Mother?

How can I describe my bliss? How can I explain about happiness? It is my happiness. I cannot explain that. It is my hidden penance.

There is a book called Himalaya- very famous book. The author describes in great detail about Himlayas. He gives many photos of Himalayas. He explains his bliss through his narration. In the last para of the book he says ‘I have not visited Himalayas. Because if I visit my mind will be spoilt. This joy and this devotion will slacken if I actually visit Himalayas’.

Similar to that, the bliss I experienced when I got initiation from Mother Jayalakshmi- I cannot explain. If I explain the joy is lost. How can I explain? I can’t explain in 20 words, nor in 40 words, nor in 1000 words, nor in a million words. Even million words not sufficient to explain that bliss. The result of that bliss is seen in Swamiji’s actions and activities. That bliss of Swamiji gives bliss and results to you.

(Q&A Trinidad 22nd July 2018)
