SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
God is said to be formless and all-pervading. If so, why can’t we capture Him in X-ray? Secondly, to which caste does Hanuman belong?

Hanuman is wind (vayu). He exists everywhere. I breathe, you breathe, every living entity breathes. Can breath be segregated as that of Brahmin, Kshatriya or any caste? My God is in that supreme state!

Wind (Vayu), which permeates everything, gets captured in X-rays too. So from that perspective we can say that God is captured in X-ray. To whom does the vacant space seen in the X-ray images belong? Whose property is it? Can you specify?

For this reason, Tyagaraja Swami ultimately declared that God is illumination! Light from the bulb is visible, but God is an invisible illumination. Wind itself is the invisible illumination. You can’t see wind. Inherently it has no colour, no smell.

It is to experience this principle of God that people undertake many varied forms of spiritual pursuits. Some engage in bhajan, some in penance (tapas), some in chanting mantra, some serve food to the needy or participate in other social activities, some perform endless puja- thus through innumerable ways people strive to experience this formless Lord.

All of us breathe naturally, the inhalation and exhalation (ham-so). But it is very difficult to experience the Lord who controls this. We cannot see the original God but it is due to Him that we live. No life can exist without God. It is His grace that we live. It is His grace that we die. All our experiences are His grace alone!

But how does the original God look? He is formless. He is the essence of the five basic elements. Inherently the five elements are formless. This Earth which is visible today will vanish one day. There will be a time when water, earth etc. disappear due to Pralaya (annihilation).

There where does our God exist? He exists in the Fire-principle (Fire tattva); He exists in the wind-principle (vayu-tattva), in water-principle and so on. But yet He remains invisible. We can see water, fire etc. but can’t see Him who remains invisible.

Such Lord who pervades the universe completely, is omnipresent. Therefore He exists within the X-ray and He is the X-ray. X-ray itself is God. We cannot see that Lord but through the medium of the five elements we can understand Him. To explain His form, His essence is difficult. He can take on any form He chooses. He is visible and yet simultaneously invisible.

(Q&A Session 27 Dec 2015)
