SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 03 Jul 2019
Why do our elders ask us to perform 3 pradakshinas around Ganapati temple?

There are three bodies and three time-divisions. Sleeping for three nights in a sacred place is associated with our three bodies- gross, subtle ad causal (karana) bodies. This causal body is responsible for our births. It is the cause. In fact, we are the cause for all our births. God is not responsible in any way. He remains a mere witness.

(the lady who asked the question interrupted with her own understanding of philosophy).

Swamiji says: Your original question was wonderful. Related to spirituality. But due to frequent interruptions I am unable to complete the scientific explanation to it. I will explain the spiritual significance another time.

Basically to sum up, listen to the elders. Have faith in God. What is important is to fix the mind on God.

Aged people who cannot walk around the temple are asked to offer mental prostrations. Why? To ensure that although the body fails to move, the mind still remains fixed upon Him. Energetic people can offer 3, 5 or as many pradakshinas as they wish. This applies not only to Ganapati but to every God. Do not discriminate between Gods. Look at them equally. They are all different energies, that’s all.

(Q&A Session 27 March 2017)
