SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 30 Jun 2019
What is the inherent connection that a being has with his mother, father, Guru and God?

It is in the name itself. Mother is one who has given you birth, Father is the one who is responsible for your birth.

A mother goes through immense hardships to give birth - she carries the baby for 9 months during which time her BP increases and her heath is affected. Whether this happened out of her desire or not is a different matter altogether. Everyday feels miserable for her. For a moment of lust, she goes through so much pain to bring this life into the world. So we are eternally indebted to her. She has given us birth. So first, Thanks to her! This is because without this birth, we can neither practice Karma, nor live a devout life, nor see the creation of Almighty in this world. We can only say one word to our mother- Thanks!

We are equally indebted to the father, who is the cause for this birth.

Guru- In this there are two categories Vritti Guru and Jnana Guru.

The teacher (Guru) who has given us education which helps us earn our livelihood is called the Vritti Guru.

Jnana Guru is the Spiritual Guru who guides us to know our Self. He helps in our Self-realization.

This is the difference between Mother, Father and Guru.

A Spiritual Guru does not give birth, He shows the right path to all those who are born in this world. He fixes our flaws. He consoles us and gives courage to father, mother and the progeny. He directs them to choose the path of realization. He cautions us when we lose track. He gives us knowledge and leads us to the path of divinity. He removes obstacles. He is a great mediator, a representative of Brahma. He struggles to take us to God. The task of a Guru us immeasurable.

God absorbs the eligible ones into Himself. This is the difference between father, mother, Guru and God.

(Q&A Session, 16 Oct 2016)
