SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 30 Jun 2019
What can be done to prevent cow slaughtering?

Such protection will happen only if all the people in the world think the same, not otherwise! But humans have become animals. In some countries, people eat snakes, scorpions etc. while in some other countries goat, sheep, cows, hen are killed and eaten. In future, in this Kali Yuga, we will see Cannibalism. Cannibals used to live in the dark forests. It is said they are still alive.

If you want to be pure and good (Sattvic), you have to give up killing animals for food.

This is God’s creation. One big creature will kill a smaller creature, a big fish will consume a smaller fish. Similarly, if somebody is progressing in this world, there will be others who will accuse him falsely and pull him down. This is also equal to killing, assassinating their reputation. People with demonic traits indulge in such actions.

There are 3 qualities within people viz., traits of goodness, passion and ignorance (Sattva, rajas and tamas). Those who are pre-dominantly pure (sattvic) continue in that path firmly without fickleness. Those who are not strong mentally, quickly slip down and acquire the traits of ignorance (tamas) i.e. demonic traits. Only when the number of pure people increase, killing of cows may decrease.

on the other hand, it is but natural for a carnivorous animal to kill another animal. If you say a tiger must not kill a cow or a deer,how is it possible? A tiger cannot survive on grass. You can feel sorry for the deer but you cant stop the tiger. Similarly, humans who are like tigers, will consume the milk supplied by the cow and then kill the cow, eat it, use its skin for leather. A man benefits from the cow but what does he return to it? Nothing!

No government, or committee can bring in a transformation in such humans. You can keep asking questions, and I can keep answering. But there is no other use.

(Q&A Session, 16 Oct 2016)
