Does food influence the behaviour of the person?
Yes, the behaviour of the person is dependent upon the kind of food he/she consumes.
Yes, the behaviour of the person is dependent upon the kind of food he/she consumes.
As the first step ensure your environment and surroundings are all in tune with your good path.
Is this a market to satisfy desires? Desires are born one after another.
No problem, don’t get detached. It does not matter. But if you want to go the spiritual way choose like-minded people who are not caught up in the throes of affection.
The rules and regulations of Hindu dharma are quite complex but yet not difficult.
If parents unfailingly do daily spiritual practices, children will follow automatically.
Fickleness will follow you wherever you are. It afflicts young and old alike.
No professional pursuit stops you from following your religion and your spiritual practices!
Jivatma (bonded soul) feeds the Indriyas (senses) in our body. Use the body and senses for the right things: like meditation.