SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 03 Jul 2019
How to pursue spiritual life when we are caught up with career and household responsibilities?

No professional pursuit stops you from following your religion and your spiritual practices! You are earning for your own needs, the needs of your family, those of your parents and your children.

Even in your married and family life nothing prevents you from leading a dharmic (righteous) life. Even if you are a beggar somebody feeds you and life goes on. Your employment is solely for your benefit. In that if you are in the right path and leading a dharmic life there is no problem or issue.

Coming to the topic of marriage, it has to be at the right time. If you do not get married by the time you ought to have, then consider your work is your spouse. All the time if you are bemoaning the fact that you are not yet married you will go crazy. It is true that householder’s stage of life is one of the prescribed stages in one’s life. Yet if you have gone past the right age its foolish to hanker after marriage. Even having children, and not having is not a great issue. Some childless people get frustrated and depressed. These are all a part of one’s destiny.. None of these issues should prevent you from your spiritual practices.

Actually if a man remains a bachelor, spiritually it is a great achievement. As you grow older there is no point getting married. If marriage does not take place at the right age will you run after somebody else’s spouse and disrupt a Dharmic bond? This is a terrible sin.

Secondly, even after marriage you can lead a dharmic spiritual life. See here, most of them seated are married couples. The majority are women are taking care of families, bringing up children and husband also! They read good books, sing bhajans perform poojas and are living happily and serving Swamiji
