SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
What is the karma of medical researchers who kill animals for research?

There is no karma here. It is said in our scriptures that intent is important. The research is for the welfare of the world. Each the celestial physicians, the Ashwini Devatas, had this doubt. Brahma clarified saying that those in medical profession are exempt from sinning or merit. Brahma told them to be righteous and to do penance and satsang.

Those in medical profession and big doctors have the ego that they have saved many lives. But he has no credit nor merit. Ashwini Devatas and Lord Dhanvantari are great examples of this. Ashwini devatas are celestial doctors. They had put forth this doubt eons ago. It is akin to saying that a tape recorder should get merit for playing bhajans.

(Q&A session London 24 Aug 2000)
