No problem, don’t get detached. It does not matter.
But if you want to go the spiritual way choose like-minded people who are not caught up in the throes of affection. There are so many sitting here who are away from emotions. Cultivate friendship with those who are not involved and infatuated with life and steeped in desire and caught up in the mire of emotions.
A great saint of India Shri Ramakrishna Parmahamsa got married but lived a life of detachment so did his wife Sharada Devi. They lived a spiritual and celibate life. You are still young and you will learn. Look at all the people sitting here. So many are sitting here listening to me, and singing bhajans. What for? It is spiritual sadhana, it is their spiritual journey and they have given up some other form of entertainment for it. That is the right path.
The fact that that you have come to Lord Dattatreya is in itself a confirmation that you will slowly detach from the world and become dispassionate.