SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Why does Swamiji appear in the dreams of certain devotees and not of others?

Does Swamiji come in your dreams? Yes or no?

As per Vedanta, dream is an illusory world. That subject upon which we focus more during our waking state, that topic about which we endlessly worry, forms an impression on our mind. This is Psychology. Once again during dream state it comes back to memory.

Swamiji does appear in dreams. This is 100% true. But then, why does Swamiji appear in the dreams of some and not of others? This is because homes (minds) of some are clean while those of others are impure. Either it is filled with impurities or with many worldly matters. This is the reason.

Those who do not get dreams are those who do not store any impression in their minds. Their minds remain blank. As such, nothing arises in their dreams, not even Swamiji. God has given them this special gift. Dreams imply restless sleep. Slipping into deep sleep devoid of dreams implies they are truly great people.

The person who experiences plentiful dreams has a tired mind because dreams tire the mind. Those who do not get dreams enjoy blissful sleep. Blissful sleep is also a blessing from Swamiji. Dream is dependent on a person’s mental and physical condition. It is a personal activity.

If Swamiji comes in your dream, then you are truly lucky. The person who enjoys a dreamless sleep is also fortunate. But, if a person has dreams other than the ones in which Swamiji appears, then it implies he has not imprinted Him firmly in the mind. It reflects his weakness.

(Q&A Session 13 Dec 2015)
