SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
There is a conflict between the mind and the heart. How can we distinguish between the two?

There is a conflict between mind and heart. So what is that which is breathing? What about a man in coma? His brain is dead. But his heart is beating. Who is that? The unconscious man, the injured man brain dead man is breathing and he can lie in coma for a long time. The mind is connected to the Indriyas (senses). These two are connected to our Karma (destiny). Even when in coma they are forced to live under ventilator. It is the worst thing you can do to that poor soul. When the tubes are removed they life is over. Blank eyes are staring at you and the ventilator keeps it alive. Here is the Jivatma (bonded soul) living its karma (destiny).

What you do consciously is your mind, what you do without your knowledge or rather what you are not aware of, is Karma. Is that Paramatma? No, it is your Karma. Paramatma is a witness. Karmic consciousness takes you to a particular level. Your mind should deliberate upon what to do and what not to. Your Jivatma, which is your inner conscience prods you. The conscience is influenced by the environment. If you are in a pure and clean atmosphere of virtue and goodness you will act accordingly. Bad company bad atmosphere bring out the bad, that’s all.

(Q&A sessions 22 NOv 2015)
