SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Why does Swamiji encourage little girls with screeching voices to sing bhajans daily in the prayer hall?

I have been asking the boys to come forward but they are falling back. The girls are “screeching”, because they are young girls, not even in their teens. I have chosen them as the future generation who will carry on my Bhajans to eternity. When they sing individually they are fine but as a group there is a tendency to screech. I am training them and these are training sessions for that purpose. I’m not giving them the microphone so that their voices develop strong and clear. See Bhajans have a form. They must go step by step. I have to train them in a classical manner.

Pallavi, Anupallavi, Charana have to be sung sometimes once, sometimes twice and so on. I have a system closest to classical music. That’s why the great musicians also like my Bhajans. I’m strengthening the Bhajan groups by giving them voice training.

As far as lyrics are concerned, what my mother wrote, or what I remember are what is being sung. Kuppa Krishnamurthy, Bala Swamiji, Dr. Swarnaprasad and Dr. Phanishree assist me in composing the lyrics. In fact, I speak to Kuppa Krishnamurthy for hours explaining the principle behind each Bhajan. I then ask him to simplify Sanskrit and substitute easy words so people can follow. My disciples write out my compositions, replete with mantra and Beejakasharas (seed letters) since my Bhajans are in the form of Upadesha or advice and lessons to devotees.

Those who can hold up the Dharma I have established, are being trained to carry it forward. These are the channels I have chosen.

(Q&A Session 22 Nov 2015)
