SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
When we listen to Swamiji's discourses and are in His presence, we desire to understand the fleeting nature of the world. When we go back to our lives, we get sucked up in ego, anger and other illusions. How do we overcome them?

It seems like a simple question, but it is very difficult. He wants to win over illusion (Maya). Is it like buying some grocery?? He wants to live in the thoughts of Sri Swamiji, away from familial bondage. It is very nice to listen to.

When there is some severe ailment, the doctor may suggest to do some very difficult exercises. But we are unable to do. If we sit, there is back pain; if we stand, there is pain in the knees. If you consume Thirtha (holy water), you catch cold, taking the Aarati (camphor light shown to God), causes excess body heat! You are miserly, but have to spend. You have lot of love towards relatives, but you wish to hoard food. How is it possible? If you want relatives, you have entertain them and feed them well. How can you have both?? You are totally confused about Samsara (material life).

If you overcome excessive desires while living in Samsara, it is sufficient. You have to be in this world, and overcome the illusion. You are overtly attached to the family, house, money and status in the society. Then how can you become spiritual?? In this state, how can you win over illusion? Especially when there is no effort from your side. Your approach towards this is retarding your progress spiritually. You attachments are increasing. At the time of death, you are wishing for home, money, children etc. When desires are increasing, how can Maya be overcome? You cannot win. Lessen the Maya in you. This is Sadhana.

In my childhood, Jayalakshmi Mata had made a plate made of gold just for me. She would make a variety of delicious dishes and serve them in the plate. In the middle, she would put some rice and some Rasam. And then she would instruct me to only eat the Rasam and rice. The moment she said that, I would not even touch the other items and would only have the Rasam rice. I would not even salivate looking at the other dishes.** You have the most delicious preparations in your plate, but you have to give up the desire for them willingly. Only then you can win over Maya (illusion). If you eat everything that is served and then say you want to overcome Maya, how is that possible?** Even if you say, do not serve me anything, I want to win over Maya, it is of no use! It is like person who has no access to food saying he is observing a fast! One who has food, should fast. If you say you are observing silence, you should do it while in a crowd.

Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa would tell his disciples that when they put sugar candy in the mouth and if the mouth does not water for 6 hours, then it implies that they have learnt their lessons! That is Indriya Nigraha – control of senses.

You want pickles for taste, you want to keep warm when you feel cold, you want your children around you – how will you overcome the illusion?? Why did you marry? After having 2 children, you claim you want to overcome the dualities, and become spiritual, your wife will take you to task! You have to do justice to your family. That is worship. That is your responsibility and you have to do your duties. If you escape your duties, it is equal to cheating. There are different states in a life – there will a Vrudhdhavasta (old age). In old age, you have to carefully observe your spiritual practices. Then you will experience peace.

(Q&A Session 04/10/2015)
