SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 03-04-2017
What is the karma of the animals killed and consumed by humans?

This karma is a wheel. You kill a fish and eat it today. In the next birth that fish will be born as a human being and you as a fish. This is a peculiar trade. It is a tradition or continuation of revenge. This is Swamiji’s experience and belief. This is the reason why Hindu sages recommend vegetarianism.

Killing an animal is undoubtedly a bad karma; this karma will not leave you. Unnatural death in any form is a sin. It is up to you whether you want to listen and follow my teachings or not. Like a doctor I am giving advice. If you will totally listen and follow like a good patient, you will improve. If you don’t wish to listen, I will not feel sorry. I do not wish to interfere in your karma cycle. Like a mirror, I can only reflect your karma and experiences. I am only a witness to all your karma; I reflect the same. I very rarely ‘order’ anyone to obey me. The people who listen are the real lucky ones.
