SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Why are women not allowed to learn Vedas or chant the Rudra mantras?

Knowledge goes to one who seeks it. There are many precious hymns composed by Sri Shankarabhagavat Pada, which in reality are greater and far more supreme than the Vedas. Women can easily learn them. Therefore I suggest, first you learn all this. This is class 1.

You are trying first to access something that is out of your reach. Those who study Vedas, have to work hard day and night for 16 years catching up with only 2 hours of sleep a day. They need to undergo such a struggle to learn Vedas by heart. Do you have this capacity?

When you get married, you will take leave. If you have children, you will go on leave. You have menstrual cycles to manage. When so many leaves are taken, where is the attendance to learn Vedas? If you can give the necessary attendance, then you can also learn Vedas. If you bear a child, then you have to forget about him/her for 12 years if you wish to pursue learning the Vedas. such is the dedication that Vedic learning demands. Else you cannot master it completely.

There is no restriction that you should not learn. You should learn from the right person. If you go to the wrong person, they will not teach you. Boys do not need as many breaks as girls, hence they can invest more time in learning Vedas. There is no religious restriction on women learning Vedas. Many women begin their Vedic education after menu-pause.

However primarily, as a home-maker, a woman protects the family and supports it. She has a lot to learn in order to efficiently complete this primary responsibility. The deftness that women show towards managing home and children, men cannot do! They cannot learn it as perfectly. It is not that they do not have permission. A father will not take as much responsibility as the mother. You are raising children and you are respected for it.Hence, first you complete all your responsiblities towards your home. Once you do that, Saraswati Mata herself, will come to you. Your Atma becomes your Guru. You will be able to perceive the Vedas if you put in dedicated effort.

Who taught Gargi, Maitreyi? They learnt every moment they had a chance to. What do you do when you have free time? Do you learn the basic hymns? You tend to get distracted due to your commitments towards your children, family etc. Moreover, everything is available in the internet now! Show me one person who has interest in it?

But this does not mean that I am giving mass permission for women to learn Vedas. Since you asked me, I become your Guru. I have the right to refuse. You cannot say that you will have your way, but still wish to be my student. That is not possible. If in your mind, you feel like you want to learn, you are free to. If you feel you are not going against Dharma, you are free to learn! But it does not imply mass permission from Me!

You will have to take cold water bath early in the morning.You will have to abide by all the disciplines that are stipulated.

(Q&A Session 28 Feb 2016)
