SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 03-04-2017
Does food influence the behaviour of the person?

Yes, the behaviour of the person is dependent upon the kind of food he/she consumes. Swamiji disapproves of non-vegetarian food. Non-vegetarian food prevents the entry of good vibrations into the person.

When all the nutrition necessary for the survival of a human being is found in vegetarian food, why should a person seek non-vegetarian food? As the non-vegetarian food contains far more valuable nutrition than that which is required for human survival, it increases the inertia (tamasic qualities) in the person. Thus it turns out to be detrimental to the person. Another important truth is that this universe gives every living being a right to live on this Earth. What then gives humans a right to kill another animal for their food?

-Glimpses of Bhaktimala 4
