SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 29 Jun 2019
Do the desires and wealth we enjoy fall under the classifications of Purusharthas?

Yes, they do.

(Abidance to righteous conduct (dharma), materialistic earnings (artha), fulfillment of desires (kama) and seeking liberation (moksha) are the four goals of human existence and are collectively called Purusharthas)

It is all the same. Though it is Prarabhdha Karma (destiny, that which has come due to our past actions from previous births), the action was done consciously in that past birth and we are presently experiencing the outcome of that action. It will always follow us, there is no escaping the results of the past actions (Karma) – good or bad. It has to be exhausted.

If there are flaws in the duties you performed, that also adds up to Karma balance and follows you across births. This is the reason, duties must be performed diligently. Try not to postpone any duty/ Karma, exhaust it all in the same birth. If there is a medical emergency, you immediately admit the person to ICU and take necessary step because you want to protect the life. You do not postpone it. In the same way, your Prarabdha Karma also should not be postponed. Since you postponed it last time, you are now experiencing in this birth.

(Q&A Session 12 June 2016)
