SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 29 Jun 2019
Are snakes on earth manifestations of Serpent-gods? Does Patala really exist?

Unable to bear the torment of demons like Tarakasura and Narakasura, many Gods assumed the form of birds and hid on Earth. They had progeny here, which continues to inhabit Earth. Similarly, the serpents (nagas), who could be the progeny of the serpent-gods, continue to inhabit earth.

Just as these birds on earth do not possess the power of the Gods, these snakes also do not possess any extraordinary powers. Hence it can be said that these snakes which exist here are just like other living entities and do not have the divine powers as Gods.

The truth is that snake does not drink milk. Pouring milk on snake amounts to killing it. If it were to be really powerful as you say, then it should not die when milk is poured upon it. Everything is based on your faith.

Remember that as long as your faith does not cause harm to others, you have the freedom to live that faith or belief. Your belief will protect you. If you wish to believe that the serpents on Earth are manifestations of the serpent-god then go ahead and worship them. If you do not want to consider them as God, simply treat them as other creature but not cause them any harm.

Never misuse the faith of any person. Also use your discretion and chose what to believe in and what to discard. Even educated people invest in fraud companies and lose money. As long as there are people who can be cheated, there will be people who will cheat. We should develop the right awareness and exercise caution.

Similarly, learn to distinguish between superstition and right faith. Focus on understanding the real spiritual truth or scientific truth. Moola Bhagavatam (original text) is the authority which explains the truth. Study this. Instead, we pick interpretations of others which is made up of a lot of imagination. It is untrue. Who is to blame under such situations? It is your own fault.

If others do not accept my belief, it is entirely their choice. If you pour milk, turmeric and Kumkum into the snake pit, you end up killing so many insects living there for no fault of theirs. It is up to you to decide whether you wish to worship or kill a snake. That is why we have prohibited usage of turmeric, Kumkum in our temple pond.

Even when you go to holy rivers, do not pollute them by dumping heaps of Kumkum and turmeric. This is superstition! When Swamiji worships, He uses a small pinch of turmeric symbolically. You dump flowers and coconut and kill the fish. I’m very much against it. If you just give pieces of coconut, the fish will live. That is why the government is imposing stern rules.

Not just Patala, in all there exist 14 worlds! But they are beyond perception of the gross eye. When they cannot be shown directly, they are explained like a story. When we talk of history can we bring Mahatma Gandhi to life merely because we talk of him?

(Q&A Session, 14 Aug 2016)
