SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 29 Jun 2019
Why is Lord Vishnu childless? Brahma has many mindborn sons, Shiva has 2 sons, but no Purana mentions about Vishnu's children.

Have you read all the 18 Puranas before arriving at this conclusion? (The persons says no). You have only listened to small stories picked from one or two Puranas and without complete knowledge of the Scriptures you came to the conclusion, haven’t you?

This is like the frog in the well, which assumes that the well is the entire world! Like the frog, we do not study the Puranas but consider our little knowledge to be perfect.

If you follow the messages posted by Sri Swamiji’s in His SGS Posts app and listen to the Srimad Bhagavatam being posted on SGS Posts, many such doubts will get cleared. In Bhagavatam, the origin of the creation, the emergence of every existence, the expansion of the creation, the scientific process of annihilation are all elaborately described.

All of us are children of Lord Brahma. We have descended from Him –everyone including you parents, your grand-parents, and your ancestors. All are descendants of the Supreme Lord (Parabrahma)!

‘Chintamani Lokasukham’ – this is one of first prayers in Bhagavatam. If anyone acquires the Chintamani stone, he/she is bestowed with all material wealth. Anything that comes into contact with this precious stone transforms into gold. One who possesses this can lead a very happy life and believes that this is the ultimate world!

‘Surendram Swarga Sampadam’ – Surendra refers to Indra. One who performs meritorious activities such as Yaga and Yagnas can attain the position of Indra, the Lord of heaven, and enjoy all the heavenly pleasures and he assumes that itself to be the world!

_‘Prayachchati Guru Preeto’ –_The word Guru here refers to Supreme Lord Narayana and not to the Guru with a beard, wearing ochre robes. Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum.

‘Prayachchati Guru Preeto’ implies that one who has immense love towards the Guru i.e. Lord Narayana, attains the highest abode of Vaikuntha (Lord Narayana’s residence) which is inaccessible to even to the greatest of Yogis – ‘Vaikuntam Yogi Durlabham’.

Lord Narayana is the source of all that is in the world. He is the Guru of all Gurus, father of fathers, and grandfather of Brahma; by adoring such Lord Narayana, and by having implicit faith in Him, you will be blessed with Vaikuntha!

Therefore, develop faith in Lord Narayana, you will gain everything. At that time, you will no longer worry about trivial things like progeny of Vishnu & Lakshmi Devi. So I am asking you to shift your focus from insignificant trivial aspects to the broader spiritual aspects.

Anyway as an answer to your question let me tell you that ‘Manmatha’ is the son of Lord Vishnu & Lakshmi Devi! It is in the Puranas and also mentioned in one of Sri Swamiji’s Bhajans.

(Q&A Session 16 Apr 2017)
