SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 29 Jun 2019
Why are women not allowed to chant Gayatri Mantra when they are said to be divine?

Women are considered as Mother Goddess simply because God took on a feminine form. In reality, Goddess is not made of blood and flesh.

Goddess is like fire! Mother Goddess is beyond this gross form. Humans are Karma Jeevis – beings bound by the fruit of actions. We do not have the pure form of ‘Fire’. Women sometimes are very fierce like Chandi/Kali.Even such woman cannot hold a knife saying “I am Chandi or Kali”. She will become easily very tired and exhausted when she enacts as these Goddesses!

Any Gayatri Mantra contains a certain number of syllables. The Gayatri Mantra is not allowed to be chanted by women since they menstruate. There is a lot of energy imbalance in them at this time. The rules drafted by our elders were for our own good- it was to protect our health and ensure our progress. These are not to be questioned. Once women reach menopause, they are free to practice the chanting of Gayatri Mantra.

(Q&A Session 7 May 2017)
