Women are considered as Mother Goddess simply because God took on a feminine form. In reality, Goddess is not made of blood and flesh.
Goddess is like fire! Mother Goddess is beyond this gross form. Humans are Karma Jeevis – beings bound by the fruit of actions. We do not have the pure form of ‘Fire’. Women sometimes are very fierce like Chandi/Kali.Even such woman cannot hold a knife saying “I am Chandi or Kali”. She will become easily very tired and exhausted when she enacts as these Goddesses!
Any Gayatri Mantra contains a certain number of syllables. The Gayatri Mantra is not allowed to be chanted by women since they menstruate. There is a lot of energy imbalance in them at this time. The rules drafted by our elders were for our own good- it was to protect our health and ensure our progress. These are not to be questioned. Once women reach menopause, they are free to practice the chanting of Gayatri Mantra.
(Q&A Session 7 May 2017)