SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 29 Jun 2019
How many Gods are there?

Tameka Devam Śaranam Vrajāmaha

Regardless of the many faiths and the many divine incarnations in the world, there is only one God! He is the one who takes on many names and forms. We are declaring that in the above prayer.

In a church, in a mosque, in a temple, it is the same God. We call it Archana (worship), they say prayer; others say Namaaz. What is wrong in that? The different lineages people follow in their worship. Some people say that an idol should be kept for worship. Some believe that idols are not necessary and the mere chanting of OM is sufficient. What is wrong?

Whatever means of travel is convenient for each individual, that mode is what they will adopt. In the olden days, people travelled by boat. It used to take 4-7 months. Now we have the convenience of aircrafts. In India to this day there are people who will only travel by train to go from one place to another. There are people who only travel in their own car.

To this day, there are people, who walk all the way to Kasi (Varanasi). They have the strength, so they walk. There is nothing wrong. Some climb Tirupati-Tirumala hills on foot, while some go in a car. What is wrong with that? To reach their spiritual goal, any path is ok. Whatever is the path or mode of the journey, the destination is the same.

‘I take refuge in the one and only God.’ God is only one. That should be remembered well.

(Q&A, USA, 29 Jul 2011)
