SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Shiva is described as destroyer yet he is called auspicious. Why?

Do you know what is auspicious? It means clean after the destruction (Laya)

Shiva destroys the dirt, the sins, the muck, as is said “Vesha amanagala mangala karaki” from the bhajan Bhavo sharana samaba shankar ki . He is the destroyer which is amangala and also mangala which is auspiciousness. That means, he destroys only to clean up and start on an auspicious note. See what the housewife does. The whole day you dirty the house and by night there is dust in every nook and corner. Night comes like death and we sleep. Early morning she cleans it out so that there is a fresh and clean beginning, the auspiciousness of the dawn, which is Mangala.

(Q&A Session 3 Jan 2016)
