SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 29 Jun 2019
Does God exist? Should I continue worship when others are ridiculing me?

It totally depends on your mind. Your mind has unlimited capacity. It is immaterial whether He exists or not. If your mind has faith in His existence, then you can easily worship Him.

If a person lacks faith in His existence, he is unable to worship. Even if people try innumerable ways to convince him, such person’s mind remains firm that God does not exist. His destiny is designed as such. His actions will be in tune to it. On the other hand, our mind says God exists, hence we are able to worship him.

Therefore, do not refrain from worshipping the Lord merely because others do not worship Him. We should not even get into discussions and debates on this subject. No vacillation. You continue to worship since your mind seeks it.

Remember that everyone travels on his own path. Even between husband and wife, each has their own journey. None of our family members are going to accompany us on our journey after death. As along as we are on Earth we are on friendly terms and we are living under the same roof as family members, that’s all. Realizing that God has put us under one roof for some purpose, we continue to live together. Else, in reality we are travelling separately.

If your mind seeks to worship the Lord every morning, then go ahead and worship Him every day. No matter what others say, go ahead with your worship. Be undeterred in your stand.

(Q&A Session 13 Dec 2015)
