SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 03 Jul 2019
What will happen to our spiritual journey with Sadguru after death?

Don’t be afraid of death. Death is only growth. It is conclusion of the actions pertaining to this birth. Do not fight death. Try to purify your life during this birth.

Just as a goldsmith puts raw gold into fire and purifies it, if you are a good devotee then God will purify you through the different types of karma that attack you. Do not dread your destiny or karma.

You have a good friend called Sadguru – a spiritual friend. You are listening to all teaching of Swamiji and are abiding by them. Therefore, do not worry about death. Sadguru gives training not to fight death. Swamiji teaching, ‘Who I am’. Take these lessons from Swamiji and learn them. Fearing and fighting death is not our job.

Spiritual journey spans across births. Death is growth. It takes us towards further births which cause spiritual growth. Leading a spiritual life helps in good future birth and continuation of this journey. Do not worry.

During this birth try to find out the answer to the question- ‘who I am’.

Karma will also vanish one day. Remember that Self has no birth and no death. It is neither male nor female. It has no feelings. It is eternally in state of Ananda- pure bliss. It is always happy. You must travel in that direction towards the Self. If you close your eyes and sit in meditation you will experience divine bliss. Initial 10-15 days you will experience agitation and confusions. But after the initial hiccups, mind will experience Ananda and will soak in it.

You have got a good Guru. You have accumulated a good bank balance. Then you are safe. Hence do not fear death.

(Q&A Trinidad 22nd July 2018)
