SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 03 Jul 2019
What is the difference between Self and five elements (pancha bhootas)?

Panca bhoota is karma. Our body is outcome of the five elements. The Self (atma) is the force behind the five elements.

Self (atma) and five elements (panca bhootas) are different. They are not the same. Self is like Paramatma (Supreme Self). Atma or Paramatma remain an eternal witness to the actions of the five elements. Panca bhootas are eternally acting upon the body. Heat, cold, sleep, thirst, lust, anger, greed, jealousy, attachment and egoism- all these are the outcomes of the five elements.

The five elements exist as the earth, water, fire, wind and space. Upon death, the Self travels while the five elements from the body merge back into their respective elements. Paramatma has no bondage, no action. He is limitless. He is only observing what happens. The five elements are limited. It is only the five elements that experience karma. For example, within your body are the karmendriyas (organs of action) and jnanendriyas (organs of perception). Karmendriya says ‘O this spicy rotti is very good.’ Then you eat 4 or 6 such rotis. The organ of action (karmendriya) eat but due to the actions of the karmendriyas, the jnanedriya organs are suffering. Over-eating caused indigestion and ill-health. The suffering travels to all body.

Karmendriya asked for roti. Jnanendriya experienced the effect of eating rotis. But the Self inside witnesses both the actions. For instance, one action says, ‘I want this, I want to grab this’. Jnanendriya instigates the karmendriya and as a result the karmendriya continues the action. Later they both fight, ‘You told, I ate’- says karmendriya. Jnanendriya says, ‘Ok I agree I told you. But I said to eat one roti. Why did you eat 20 rotis? Now you experience your karma’.

Even this karmendriya and jnanendriya have no connection with the Self (atma) which is only a witness. The Self remains unconnected with all. It does not travel. It is everywhere. Your Jnanendriya, Karmendriya and your actions are your responsibility.

Jnanedriya says, ‘Don’t go’. Karmendriya says, ‘I will go’. Jnanendriya says, ‘I am forbidding you from going’. Karmendriya says, ‘My wish. I will go’ and so it goes. What happens? Some accident. After that you will suffer. Then you ask Jnanendriya, ‘what happened?’ it replies, ‘what can I do? I told don’t go. I am giving signals- both good and bad. But you are not listening. It is in your destiny that you should suffer’.

Paramatma only witnesses this quarrel between Jnanendriya and Karmendriya. Always you should side with the Self and not with these Jnanendriya/ karmendriya. If you listen and do good actions, then you will win in this life. But automatically people are drawn towards bad action. They listen to instructions of karmendriyas and suffer eventually.

Therefore analyse what is Jnanendriya, what is karmendriya, what is Paramatma, what is Panca bhoota- learning this is Vedanta. Through small bhajans, short messages Swamiji is teaching you Vedanta. If you learn bhajan meaning you will understand Vedanta.

(Q&A Trinidad 22nd July 2018)
