SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 03 Jul 2019
How can we, who are filled with spiritual ignorance, exit this repeated cycle of re-births?

The Supreme Lord (Ishwara) has created spiritual ignorance for us (bonded souls) to overcome. You have to use your intellect and overcome this ignorance.

Sadly, the bonded souls makes no such attempt. Instead it gets submerged in this - happiness, trouble, family, attachments in this world. For example, a person continuously cribs that he remains childless. Because of this desire, he is born again!

One should not get into the cycle of Karma. An intelligent man will not ask for progeny also, realizing that it will lead to more Karma. Those having children cannot escape Karma. They will certainly fall again into this cycle. It does not imply that those without children will not be born again! But it will be much lesser!

Pralaya (annihilation) is rule, rebirth is also a rule. This is a process. We are insects that gain rebirth because of the Karma that we accumulate! No one can do anything about this. God has programmed this computer chip and placed it within us. We have to keep taking births until this chip is exhausted.

What is the means of exhausting this chip? If you ask, then I will explain. God did not help you attain births, He will not help you exhaust the chip. You have to do it yourself! We are all born with the creation. We were expected to do only Satkarma (good deeds), have good progeny. But we only engaged in Karma of all sorts resulting in this state.

(Q&A Session 19 Mar 2017)
