SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
As we grow older we start deviating from the various principles of righteousness learnt during childhood and absorbed from parents or Guru. Is it correct? If not, what should be done?

**What prevents you from maintaining the right path? Once you know it is wrong it is imperative to avoid it. **Even if you are earning for the upkeep of your family, you must do it within the boundaries of Dharma (righteous principles). But if you are following the wrong path, knowing it is wrong, you will have to pay for it.

If you have to be in the right path you have to do right things. You cannot avoid the consequences of wrong doing. If you are in the right path, you will do the right thing. There is no question of compromise here.

Avoid doing bad things. There is no excuse whatsoever for doing a deed being fully aware that it is wrong. You must avoid committing wrong deeds. If knowingly if you do bad things, it is wrong. You must cut off with determination or get ready and prepare to be reborn to suffer the consequences. There is no redemption. You cannot continue committing sin. For the sake of job, or for the sake of children, doing bad things has no excuse. It is out of lustful activity that you have brought children into the world. Now for their sake you wish to commit sin. There is no forgiveness. You must protect the children. Once you become a householder, you will have to support and protect the family. But there is no excuse for doing wrong while engaging in this duty. You cannot escape punishment.

(Q&A Session 22 Nov 2015)
