SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Spiritual life teaches detachment. But isn’t practicing of detachment egoistic, because it hurts other people?

You decide whether you want worldly life or spiritual life. You should try the worldly life approach for some time and then gradually switch to spiritual life. If at all you directly jump to spiritual life, then one day someone or some reason could abruptly cause your mind to vacillate. You could be influenced by others, due to which, all of a sudden, you will leave your spiritual journey and jump back into worldly life. You would have wasted your life and your time in the process.

If you decide spirituality is your only way of life then go ahead. If your mind is truly firm and determined in that aspect, then detachment will automatically arise in you. If your mind is strong and your spiritual practices are strong, then there is absolutely no problem.

However if your mind is influenced by what people say, if your spiritual practices are weak then your senses become fickle. For instance, your tongue will begin to crave for food.

In nutshell, you have to decide for yourself whether you want to tread a worldly life of spiritual life.

(Q&A Session 13 Dec 2015)
