SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 02-08-2017
Why should we perform Puja?

A scientist working in a laboratory mixes too many chemicals. To a lay person watching him from outside, all his actions appear bizarre. They look funny. But the scientist is not doing anything in a haphazard manner but is proceeding with a pre-conceived plan. E works on the basis of established scientific principles.

Similarly, when working in the laboratory called mind, to achieve mental concentration certain actions are essential. Some actions yield fruit quickly while some take time to yield long lasting fruits. Puja is one such procedure.

‘The wandering mind should be stabilized’ is the intention of the seekers. But many find it difficult. Why? Reasons are many. Students, businessmen, teachers, and office goers all face the same problem of a wandering mind. Yet, it is a known fact that nothing can be achieved without concentration.

Discipline is the foremost requisite to achieve concentration. Eating, sleeping and working per a planned routine for 40 days certainly helps in achieveing a great deal of concentration.

Another requirement to accomplish concentration is developing calmness of mind. Mental calmness is not immeidaly within reach. If it were to be, then concentration of mind would have been very easy to accomplish. In fact achieving mental tranquillity is extremely difficult.

A gentle heart is yet another requirement for developing concentration. More gentle the heart, easier it is to achieve concentration of mind.

Discipline, tranquillity and gentleness are like the three chemicals required for making a product called mental concentration. The art of achieving concentration using these three ingredients is called Puja.

The idol we worship is only symbolic. The belief in a particular form of God makes the mind calm. The aesthetic beauty of the idol and the materials with which the worship is offered confer beauty and gentleness to the heart. The chanting of mantras with proper intonations and tempo will bestow discipline to the physical body as well as to the mind.

If a scientist behaves irrationally, his experiment will not yield the desired results. It is the same with Puja too. Therefore it is crucial to follow the steps methodically. The best is to start practicing since childhood. Children who watch their parents performing Puja learn it quickly just as a student who due to exposure to chemicals since childhood easily picks up the experiments. Due to participation in puja, the attitude, life and discipline of the child will be disciplined and gentle. With this, when he grows up he makes the right decisions and will be more useful to the society.

Thus, in order to establish discipline, peace and mutual understanding in the society, everyone should perform Puja.

(Bhaktimala Oct 1997)
