SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 03 Jul 2019
During pralaya, if everything merges into God, why are living beings born again thereafter?

You eat a lot of food. Everything that your eat goes into the stomach. The food gets digested and gives you energy to live. Now, a person continues to live until the energy from the food is used up by the body. Some may live for 2 days, some for 3 days, some may even live up to a month. With a little more water, they can live longer. There are some people who can live on breath! Doctors sometimes say, the mind is dead, only the breath is present. They will ask if they can take off the support. These are the states that a bonded soul (Jeevi) goes through in order to remain alive. It goes through a struggle until there is the life breath. It does not wish to die. It wants to live until the last moment.

Similarly, all beings have to keep coming back until their Karma (accumulated store of past actions) is exhausted. There is no escaping. Even after annihilation, only their bodies are destroyed, but their accumulated Karma continues to remain. They have to exhaust the karma. They have to reap the resultant fruits of all their past fruitive actions- good and bad. Towards this, they have to take birth. Just like they cling onto life-support until the last breath, they will cling to re-births until the last bit of Karma is exhausted. It is inevitable. The person who perchance recovers from that critical ventilator support, feels that he must not gather any more Karma. He/she chooses to just live to complete the existing Karma.

The moment a being is born, it drinks milk. It only keeps drinking milk. When it grows up and gets the ability to think, it starts eating. Continuously, karma (fruitive action) is being practiced. No one has the ability to perform action with detachment or without being involved in the actions performed.

Fruitive action (karma) is a circular process. Once you fall into it this endless cycle, there is no liberation! Since you didn’t ask how to come out of this cycle, I am not going to explain it!

There is no need for anyone to give birth or create – it is like an automated computer system. As long as a balance of Karma exists, the bonded soul (Jeevi) will automatically take births. We are like insignificant insects in God’s scheme of things. Our strong Karma Vaasanas (tendencies, passion) causes us to take birth again and again. If such tendencies are washed out, we cease to take birth.

(Q&A Session 19 Mar 2017)
