During pralaya, if everything merges into God, why are living beings born again thereafter?
You eat a lot of food. Everything that your eat goes into the stomach.
You eat a lot of food. Everything that your eat goes into the stomach.
No problem, if you can’t get detached. It does not matter.
Jivatma (bonded soul) feeds the Indriyas (senses) in our body. Use the body and senses for the right things: like meditation.
It is exactly like trying to find out the difference between a small piece of sugar candy and a large one.
Both are actually same. But when it is pursued with a particular purpose or objective, it is called penance (tapas).
The purpose of human body is to ensure a safe journey through it.
Don’t be afraid of death. Death is only growth. It is conclusion of the actions pertaining to this birth.
Why do you love one dish among the many on your dinner plate?
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva – who came first? ‘I’ came first. ‘I’ have no form, or Buddhi.